Article de revue scientifique à comité de lecture

Article de revue scientifique à comité de lecture

Rouzies E., Lauvernet, C., Barachet C., Morel T., Branger F.,Braud I.,Carluer N. – 2019. From agricultural catchment to management scenarios: A modular tool to assess effects of landscape features on water and pesticide behavior. Science of the Total Environment, vol. 671, p. 1144-1160

Lauvernet, C., Munoz Carpena, R – 2018. Shallow water table effects on water, sediment, and pesticide transport in vegetative filter strips – Part 2: model coupling, application, factor importance, and uncertainty. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, vol. 22, p. 71-87

Munoz Carpena, R., Lauvernet, C., Carluer, N. – 2018. Shallow Water Table Effects On Water, sediment, and pesticide transport in vegetative filter strips – Part 1: nonuniform infiltration and soil water redistribution. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, vol. 22, p. 53-70

Dairon, R., Dutertre, A., Tournebize, J., Marks Perreau, J., Carluer, N. – 2017. Long-term impact of reduced tillage on water and pesticide flow in a drained context. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, vol. 24, n° 8, p. 6866-6877

Carluer, N., Catalogne, C., Dages, C., Tournebize, J. – 2017. Aménager le territoire et gérer les aménagements : les zones tampons sèches et humides, les fossés pour lutter contre les pollutions diffuses par les produits phytosanitaires dans les aires de captage. Innovations Agronomiques, vol. 57, p. 117-139

Djabelkhir, K., Lauvernet, C., Kraft, P., Carluer, N. – 2017. Development of a dual permeability model within a hydrological catchment modeling framework: 1D application. Science of the Total Environment, vol. 575, p. 1429-1437

Carluer, N., Lauvernet, C., Noll, D., Munoz Carpena, R. – 2017. Defining context-specific scenarios to design vegetated buffer zones that limit pesticide transfer via surface runoff. Science of the Total Environment, vol. 575, p. 701-712

Gatel, L., Lauvernet, C., Carluer, N., Paniconi, C. – 2016. Effect of surface and subsurface heterogeneity on the hydrological response of a grassed buffer zone. Journal of Hydrology, vol. 542, p. 637-647

Pinet, F. ; Carluer, N. ; Lauvernet, C. ; Cheviron, B. ; Bimonte, S. ; Miralles, A., 2015.  Storage of simulation result data: A database perspective. Automated enterprise systems for maximizing business performance ;  IGI Global, 58-70

Rabiet, M., Coquery, M., Carluer, N., Gahou, J., Gouy, V. – 2015. Transfer of metal(loid)s in a small vineyard catchment: contribution of dissolved and particulate fractions in river for contrasted hydrological conditions. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, vol. 22, n° 23, p. 19224-19239

Peyrard X., Liger L., Guillemain C.,  Gouy V., 2015. A trench study to assess transfer of pesticides in subsurface lateral flow for a soil with contrasting texture on a sloping vineyard in Beaujolais. Environ Sci Pollut Res. DOI 10.1007/s11356-015-4917-5

Boulil, K., Pinet, F., Bimonte, S., Carluer, N., Lauvernet, C., Cheviron, B., Miralles, A., Chanet, J.P. – 2013. Guaranteeing the quality of multidimensional analysis in data warehouses of simulation results: application to pesticide transfer data produced by the MACRO Model. Ecological Informatics, vol. 16, p. 41-52

Lacas, J. G., Carluer, N., Voltz, M. – 2012. Efficiency of a Grass Buffer Strip for Limiting Diuron Losses from an Uphill Vineyard Towards Surface and Subsurface Waters. Pedosphere, vol. 22, n° 4, p. 580-592   [CMALY.37492 (LY).

Lauvernet, C., Hascoet, L., Le Dimet, F.X., Baret, F. – 2012. Using Automatic Differentiation to study the sensitivity of a crop model. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, vol. 87, p. 59-69   [CMALY.35563 (LY).